I have added to my life already this year!
After the long-awaited vaca was over a few weeks ago, I set my mind to the next item on my agenda. Dog acquisition. I visited the county pound and picked a beautiful girl out to join my little family. Australian cattle dog, sweet as can be, and full of ENERGY!! Wow can she go! I am considering buying a used bike to run her in the morning. I can run, but not that fast.
I have also added a new pair of hiking boots, as of this very afternoon. I know that it seems trivial, but I do spend alot of time in hiking boots and I have been fairly dissatisfied with last year's pair. The last pair were KEEN's and comfy, but almost from the beginning were falling apart. Somehow they made it a full year and I finally decided to replace them with a more sturdy pair. Thus, Timberland Eurohikers have come into my life. They feel a little rigid but sturdy. I'll let you know how they work with a more detailed review later.
Now, if I could just add "job in Colorado" to this post, that would be awesome!