I did have a creepy experience that I hope was just one of those things that means nothing. I went to take a shower. The campgroud showers there are a little wierd and (if you have ever taken a shower in a campground you can probably relate) lacking privacy. They pretend to provide a bit of privacy by putting stall doors up, but everyone knows you can see through the gaps on the sides as if there were no door. So, I went into the first available shower, which happened to be the FIRST shower that is right next to the LAST toilet stall. There was a huge gap between the shower and the wall to the toilet stall and I accidentally saw someone in a rather (ehem) vulnerable state. I quickly averted my eyes and devised a plan to minimize my exposure as I undressed for my shower. I would step into the shower, disrobe, and thus not be seen . . . or so I thought. Upon stepping into the shower, I realized that it was quite strange and, alas, completely exposed. The shower floor was about a foot higher than the dressing area and surrounding bathroom floor. It was like stepping on stage. I could look out over the waiting area in front of the showers! I was on display. Well, what can you do. Nothing. I began to unpack my soap and shampoo and was placing said items on the soap dish in the shower for easy access and, again, less exposure because I wouldn't have to open the curtain and retrieve them naked and ON STAGE. As I placed my sample size shampoo on the soap dish I felt eyes on me. I glanced out, well over the stall door to the dressing area and saw a woman. It didn't seem strange to me at first that someone would glance through the gap to see if the stall was occupied and then see that it was and immediately look away, but then I looked at her again. She was stilll looking in. We made eye contact. She continued to look. I made a point of staring right back. I wasn't going to let this woman intimidate me in my own shower stall! It was mine!
I am trying to give her the benefit of all my doubts. She probably thought I was finished in the shower because I was standing there with all my clothes on. But my hair wasn't wet, and yes she looked long enough that she could have come to that conclusion. Anyway, she backed down and moved on to creep out the person in the next stall as I mumbled under my breath about not needing an audience. Go figure some people. You gotta laugh at the crazies out there (me included).
My trip was really fun and relaxing. I just found that blip to be somewhat amusing.