There's somebody out there who wants what I got goin' on.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

A History of Angry Letters Part 1

This is a funny letter I wrote to the Pine Log (school paper) when I was at SFA. Enjoy.

On the afternoon of November 16, 2006, I drove to school for my class that begins at 4:30pm. As I turned off Raguet toward the commuter lot, I noticed a sign that said, "PARKING LOT RESERVED." Undeterred, I pulled forward to the UPD representative posted to keep students out of their assigned parking lot. He informed me that I would need to park across campus because the commuter lot was reserved, not for commuters, but for the football game. I would like to take a moment now to confess to you that I gave him some attitude. You're right, he didn't personally deserve it, and to that person I sincerely apologize.
I drove away and with each passing moment became more and more infuriated. Why was I so angry? Well, I'll tell you. I have paid good money for the right to park in that parking lot. Every year I lay my bank account on the alter of higher education as a sacrifice hoping that the SFA gods will bestow a degree upon me. Other benefits that I expect in return for my burnt offering are a clean and safe learning environment and parking in the Raguet commuter lot. at this point you may be thinking, "Patrice, there are other parking lots that are available to you," and you are correct. However, I present to you the following facts that justify my reaction. I am a young woman, yes feminists of the world be damned, I am going to play the helpless female card. I have a class from 4:30pm to 9:15pm in the forestry building (when it is dark outside!). Our campus is not well lit or well patrolled by law enforcement (which I'm sure is not the fault of our fine UPD).
The great institution of Stephen F. Austin State University has elevated a football game above my safety! Prospective students beware, football games take precedence over the safety of those seeking knowledge. I shudder to think what might befall a female student forced to walk alone across our poorly lit campus in the dark of night. Shouldn't the school protect its bread and butter?
No, I was not murdered, raped, or beaten on the night of November 16, 2006. In a noble act of civil disobedience, I parked in faculty parking on the other side of the forestry building. My noble act was thwarted by SFA when I was told tickets would not be given out because of the football game. Congratulations SFA, you have defeated me.
I will conclude my rant with this: Rise up, ye students of SFA! Rise up and take back your rights. You should never be turned away from a parking lot when you have purchased the right to park there. This school takes much from us. Take it back!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Hmmmmm . . .

What to write about . . . Often I use blogging on myspace to express concern or outrage at whatever is going on in the world. I'm not outraged at the moment so I'll tell you about my week so far.

I work out-of-town sometimes in the booming metropolis of Safford, Arizona. When I arrived this time, there was nothing for me to do for two days. It sounds pretty great, especially because I get paid whether I do any actual work or not, but it is pretty boring. Well, given too much free time and I will find a way to get into T*R*O*U*B*L*E. Firstly, I got my truck stuck . . . twice . . . in two days. I had to be rescued by the drillers, who now think I'm stupid. Well, they probably already thought that, but leave it to me to confirm my own incompetence. The first time I got stuck in the mud. My only question is WHO PUT MUD IN THE DESERT?!?! The second time I wasn't paying attention while driving and ran my truck up on the rock berm on the side of the "road". While trying to remove the rocks that prevented further movement, I smashed the middle finger on my right hand so hard that the finger nail cut into the tip of my finger. It is pretty nasty y'all. A big chunk of skin is slowly dying and falling off. Oh, I'm sorry, are you sensitive? Anyway I gave up the struggle and walked down to the drill rig and got help. Arg.

Other than those tid bits, I'm just looking at rocks and trying to keep out of the mud and off the side of the road. At this point I'm just biding my time 'til I get to go back to Phoenix.