I hope you enjoy this journey through my past. Don't be scared by the hair and puff painted shirts.
Lovely ladies: Valerie, Bonnie, and Patrice.
Aren't we gorgeous! I loved that hair clip mum, and I'm not sure but it looks like my hair could be crimped. Ah, the carefree days of youth.

My Granny (left) is fabulous.
Nuff said. The other lady is her little sister, Mary. This was taken on a trip to FL, where they grew up and Mary still lives.

Bonnie and Mom look so much alike.

My sisters and my cutie pie niece, Lilly. I am the one reflected in the window taking the pic :)

My Dad is the greatest. Skiing is one of the things we all like to do as a family. I call him The Bullet.
Yay Dad!!
Mi Familia ~1990This is one of my favorite pics because it has all of us with Daddy Paul and Grandmother. They look so small in this picture but that is not how I remember them. An aside: I am now in possession of the nativity set in the foreground. Check out the mustache on my dad.
Yay for family pictures! Gotta love the ones from the 80's.
I wonder if people still wear mums to homecoming.
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