There's somebody out there who wants what I got goin' on.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


I have had a bad attitude toward life lately. I'm sure you've noticed. I felt so much better today. I wondered why. My circumstances have not changed, and, as far as I know, the Earth is still rotating in the same direction (let me know if superman shows up). The only thing that I can think of is that I finally got a good nights sleep. I went to sleep around nine thirty (yes I'm old) and when my alarm sounded I was actually awake. I didn't feel the need to hit the snooze. It was awesome.

The drillers always tell me that sleep is overrated or that I can sleep when I'm dead. I disagree.

Here's to you, Sleep! May we have a long and satisfying relationship in the bedroom.

1 comment:

Marcy said...

Yay sleep! I went to bed at 9pm one night in PA...I was so exhausted. I found I cease to function as a normal human when I dont get enough sleep. I agree with Bobbie, more sleep is smart, not old!